Articles by keyword «Vyatka province»

Articles in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

«Добавочное» ополчение Вятской губернии в 1812-1813 гг.

№ 2 February 2014 | Category: History

Размещение военнопленных Великой армии Наполеона в Вятской губернии в 1812-1813 гг.

№ 2 February 2014 | Category: History

Содержание военнопленных Великой армии Наполеона в Вятской губернии в 1812-1814 гг.

№ 2 February 2014 | Category: History

Общественные инициативы кредитных товариществ Вятской губернии в начальный период первой мировой войны

№ 2 February 2014 | Category: History

Крепостные крестьяне Вятской губернии в народном ополчении 1812 г.

№ 11 November 2014 | Category: History

Вятские добровольцы в народном ополчении 1812 г.

№ 11 November 2014 | Category: History

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Chirkin S.A. The small credit funds in the Vyatka province in the end of XIX – beginning of XX centuries

April, 2014

Zegleev E.A. 82-th recruitment of 1812 year in the Vyatka province

April, 2014

Zegleev E.A. The philanthropy in the Vyatka province in the epoch the Napoleonic wars

April, 2014

Zegleev E.A. Celebrating Victory Day over the Napoleonic France in the Vyatka province in 1814 year

April, 2014

Zegleev E.A. The executive system and administrative organization of the Vyatka province in the beginning of the nineteenth century

October, 2014

Zegleev E.A. The home guard of the 1812 year: forming of the Kazanskiy regiment

December, 2014

Articles in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Chirkin S.A. The factors of the capitalist modernization of the Vyatka region in the end of XIX – beginning of the XX centuries

March, 2014

Zegleev E.A. Breaking up of the Territorial Army of the Vyatka province

March, 2014

Articles in journal «History and Archeology»

Zegleev E.A. The structure of population of the Vyatka province in the first third of the XIX-th century

September, 2014

Chirkin S.A. The peasant credit in the Vyatka province according to the household researches of the end of the XIX century

September, 2014

Zegleev E.A. The social infrastructure of the Vyatka province in the beginning of the XIX-th century

September, 2014

Zegleev E.A. The maintenance of the prisoners or war from the Great Army of Napoleon in the Vyatka province in 1813-1816

January, 2015

Zegleev E.A. The Patriotic war 1812 and the Territorial army of Russia

January, 2015

Chirkin S.A. The Vyatka credit cooperatives’ military supplies and financing in the years of the First World War

January, 2015

Chirkin S.A. The district conferences of the credit cooperatives of the Vyatka region on the eve of foundation of the provincial cooperative union (1915 year)

February, 2015

Chirkin S.A. The cultural needs of the Vyatka co-operative peasantry (according to materials of co-operative congresses held in 1914-1917)

February, 2015

Chirkin S.A. The social portrait of the Vyatka rural co-operator in the beginning of the XX century (according to the interview of the participants of the provincial co-operative congresses)

February, 2015