Articles by keyword «диалог»

Articles in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

Политический PR и диалогическая модель связей с общественностью Р.Пирсона

№ 7 July 2013 | Category: Political science

Государство и гражданское общество: дефицит диалога

№ 8 August 2013 | Category: Political science

Институционализация диалога государства и гражданского общества и нормативная модель диалогической демократии (теоретико-методологический аспект)

№ 7 July 2014 | Category: Political science

Возможности диалогического познания личности в философии М. М. Бахтина

№ 2 February 2015 | Category: Philosophy

Анализ исследований природы диалога: от диалога культур к политическому диалогу

№ 9 September 2015 | Category: Philosophy

Роль коммуникативной компетентности преподавателя и студента технического вуза в процессе социализации

№ 8 August 2016 | Category: Pedagogics

Проблема диалога как метода интеллектуального исследования

№ 2 February 2017 | Category: Philosophy

Коммуникативные основания подлинного человеческого бытия

№ 2 February 2017 | Category: Philosophy

Проблема полифонии голосов в тексте современной рекламы

№ 4 April 2017 | Category: Linguistics

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Korosteleva S.A. Creating communicative situations for developing pupils' dialogue speech

October, 2012

Zaitsev A.V. Dialogic model of public relations: М.Kent and М.Taylor

July, 2013

Fedotova L.F. Humanization of education and dialog communication as necessary conditions for the development of quality systems training specialist

April, 2015

Kurbatova A.S. Multicultural education in the process of formation of the communicative competence of teachers

July, 2015

Rychkova M.A. Creative interaction of the teacher and the students on the lessons of Russian language and literature

September, 2015

Kondratyev V.Y. Dialogic interpretation of interdisciplinarity in the sphere of social expertise

July, 2016

Принцип диалогического общения и взаимодействия в деловой игре

December, 2018

Обучение говорению на английском языке в старшей школе

June, 2021

Articles in journal «Philology and Literature»

Ruban T.V. The military component as a key feature of pedagogical discourse in Presidential Cadet School

April, 2015

Hadzugova G.T. Humanization of foreign language teaching in modern conditions

July, 2015

Articles in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Zaytsev A.V. Consensus-oriented public relations and the theory of dialogue.

July, 2013

Zaitsev A.V. Dialogic model of public relations С. Botan and political PR in modern Russia

August, 2013

Zaitsev A.V. Dialogue between the state and civil society: the cluster approach

March, 2014

Zaitsev A.V. Institutionalization public debate and dialogue in france and institutionaize dialogue state and civil society in Russia: comparative approach

May, 2014

Zaitsev A. Institutional design of public policy and the institutionalization of dialogue between the state and civil society

July, 2014

Borisenko O.A. Realization of the policy dialogue as a form of dialogue between cultures in the activities of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

February, 2015

Borisenko O. The role of the SCO in ensuring security in the Chinese region

June, 2015

Borisenko O., Sukharev D. Economic cooperation between Russia and China within the SCO as a factor of regional economic modernization of the North-Eastern region of China (the analysis of the Chinese and Russian sources)

August, 2015

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Чернобыльская И.А. Обучение устной речи в группах начального уровня (А1)

June, 2012

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Voroshilova O.S., Mironova M.N. Features discussion of training in vocational education in the study of pedagogical disciplines

October, 2016