Articles by keyword «визуализация»

Articles in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

Некоторые характеристики английского и русского креолизованного текста наружной рекламы

№ 3 March 2017 | Category: Linguistics

Геймификация как игровой подход в современном образовательном процессе

№ 9 September 2022 | Category: Pedagogics

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Lakhov R.Y. Using the computer as a means of imaging in the study of certain topics school geometry course

June, 2014

Lazuko A.G., Konovalov V.S., Vasilyev N.y. The visualization of PI on the models of KSS

June, 2015

Shterenzon V.A., Sazhaev A.V. Modern CAD/CAM-systems as multimedia learning instruments for bachelor’s engineering training

August, 2015

Menyailov E.S., Abramova O.F Application of computer technologies for imaging the interior room with 3-d modeling

February, 2016

Musin R.F., Davletkireeva L.Z. Mental maps: a tool to visualize thinking

November, 2016

Manzhula V.G. The use of technology 1C to account for the progress of students in a virtual learning environment vACADEMIA

November, 2016

Пути обновления жанровой парадигмы интернет-версии белорусского литературно-художественного издания

September, 2022

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Ivahnenko D.V., Pirogova A.A., Samarenkina S.Z. GOOGLE GLASS: Vocational Education Perspectives

January, 2016

Shubina N.B. Organization of independent work of students of secondary vocational education with the use of information technology (social networking)

June, 2016

Articles in journal «Researches in Science»

Troshkov A.M., Kondrashov A.V., Gordenko D.V. Thermal imaging of imaging diagnosis of functioning individuals bee colonies

September, 2013

Articles in journal «Modern Technics and Technologies»

Kuzmin D.A., Abramova O.F. Objects with variable transparency

January, 2016

Temerov T.V., Golubnichiy A.A. Creating a computer model of tangential sand trap means Blender 3D editor

August, 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Temerov T.V., Golubnichiy A.A. The use of computer simulation to visualize the educational process (for example, the course "Technology to protect the environment")

August, 2016

Articles in journal «Portal of Scientific and Practical Publications»

Генералитика - новое научное направление информатики и ее приложений

October, 2014