Articles by keyword «профессионально-педагогическая культура»

Articles in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

История и возможности формирования культуры самостоятельной работы обучающегося в модели современного профессионально-педагогического образования

№ 12 December 2015 | Category: Pedagogics

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Zubanov V.P., Sirbu S.P., Stroykina L.V. Some features tiered study of the topic "Training methods" in the structure of the training of future teachers of physical culture

February, 2015

Platonenko K.S., Platonenko A.I., Shvartskopf E.Y. Teaching practice of tourism in the structure of training of future teachers of physical culture: professional and adaptive components

August, 2015

Boikova I.V., Schwarzkopf E.Y., Parshin Y.A. Some features of the culture of independent work of future teacher of physical culture in the structure of the study course "History of pedagogics and education"

September, 2015

Zubanov V.P., Frolov M.P., Svinarenko V.G. The specificity of the productive ideas of formation and development of a future teacher: models, history, and practice

September, 2015

Shchukin P.S., Zubanov V.P., Kondakova K.S. The specificity of the basics are in place, the implementation of the idea of adaptive and activerelation preparation of future teacher of physical culture

October, 2015

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Zubanov V.P., Rudenko E.N., Schwarzkopf E.Y. Some features of socialization and self-realization of a teenager in the structure of football

December, 2014

Morozova K.A., Nedzinskaya O.A., Dyachkov V.A. Some features of socialization and self-athlete engaged in free-style wrestling

January, 2015

Panov N.V. Some features of learning the basics of unarmed combat future teachers of physical culture

April, 2015

Shishkina V.A., Zubanov V.P., Svinarenko V.G. Special education as a product of modern culture and education

December, 2015

Timerzyanova E.K., Timerzyanova Y.V. Fundamentals of health-pedagogy in the structure of employment with the students involved in table tennis

May, 2016

Permyakov S.M., Zubanov V.P., Svinarenko V.G. Special education as a condition for the humanization of modern education

May, 2016

Permyakov S.M., Zubanov V.P., Svinarenko V.G. Education as a model of the product and the condition of modern culture and education

June, 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Tikhomirov I.V., Sedova C.S. The specificity of the determination of the basis of social knowledge in the structure of training of future teachers of physical culture

November, 2014

Yudintseva P.V. Some aspects of the determination and optimization of pedagogical interaction resources in practice table tennis

November, 2014

Zybina E.V., Platonenko A.I., Schwarzkopf E.Y. The specifics of the modeling software-pedagogical support of the course "Teaching and practice of tourism as a resource for the formation of professional and pedagogical culture of teachers of physical culture

January, 2015

Grigorenko S.A., Pantyukhov O.A. Some aspects of formation of professional and pedagogical culture of trainers in the organization of training process in taekwondo

January, 2015

Zubanov V.P., Mikhailov A.N., Stroykina L.V. The quality and scope of the study course "Introduction to pedagogical activity" in the structure of training of future teachers of physical culture

January, 2015

Yudintseva P.V., Permyakov S.M., Zubanov V.P. Some features of productive self-realization of students involved in table tennis

February, 2015

Bazarnyi K.G., Sedova C.S., Zubanov V.P. The specificity of the determination of the basics of socialization, self-development and self-realization in the structure learning opportunities for sport pedagogy

March, 2015

Boikova I.V., Avdeenko M.O., Monakhov M.S. The quality and features of the determination of the basics of pedagogical interaction in the structure of the study course "Theoretical pedagogy"

June, 2015

Shishkina V.A., Zubanov V.P., Svinarenko V.G. Some productive opportunities of self-realization of students in the model of modern education

December, 2015

Shishkina V.A., Zubanov V.P., Svinarenko V.G. Features of the organization of pedagogical interaction in the work of the teacher of physical culture

October, 2016

Возможности моделирования профессионально-педагогических презентаций в работе педагога по физической культуре

May, 2017