Articles by keyword «познавательный интерес»

Articles in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

Развитие познавательного интереса и любознательности у детей в различных ситуациях семейного отношения к ребенку

№ 6 June 2015 | Category: Psychology

Аспекты формирования межкультурных ценностных ориентаций школьников при обучении иностранному языку

№ 2 February 2016 | Category: Pedagogics

Устное народное творчество как средство развития познавательного интереса младших школьников с ЗПР

№ 12 December 2020 | Category: Psychology

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Shadova A.S., Komarova E.V. Motivation activities of students in the teaching of a foreign language in a technical high school

April, 2015

Kargina E.M. Development of students' analytical-synthetic activity as a factor of foreign language training motivation at technical higher education institution

June, 2015

Subbotnikov D.Y., Cherepanova A.E., Shanaeva N.G., Shtepa J.P. About one of forms of the organization of extracurricular activities on informatics

July, 2015

Познавательный интерес и роль педагога в его повышении

March, 2021

Развитие познавательного интереса школьников при изучении математики

May, 2023

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Yakovleva A.A. Cultivation of the teenager’s cognitive interests in process of studying foreign language

December, 2013

Ustinina G.F., Valeeva R.Z. Development of creative abilities at the lessons of foreign languages

April, 2014

Ustinina G.F. Internet-technologies use as the main factor of the students’ cognitive interest formation

October, 2014

Kargina E.M. Task role in motivation of training in reading in a foreign language

January, 2015

Tkachenko O.V. Personality development in early school age

January, 2015