Articles by keyword «positive psychology»

Articles in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

Некоторые психометрические показатели русскоязычного варианта Шкалы субъективного счастья С. Любомирски и Х. Леппер

№ 7 July 2014 | Category: Psychology

Некоторые психометрические показатели русскоязычной версии Шкалы удовлетворенности жизнью

№ 10 October 2015 | Category: Psychology

Два подхода к измерению субъективного счастья

№ 4 April 2016 | Category: Psychology

Русскоязычная версия Шкалы инициативы к личностному росту К. Робичек

№ 4 April 2016 | Category: Psychology

Исследование гендерных и возрастных особенностей позитивных личностных качеств

№ 6 June 2016 | Category: Psychology

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Elizarov A.N. Object and subject for psychotherapeutic intercourse

April, 2014

Yelshansky S.P., Anufriev A.F., Kamaletdinova Z.F., Saparin O.E., Semyonov D.V. The Russian-language version of the C.R. Snyder’s scale of hope

July, 2014

Yelshansky S.P., Anufriev A.F., Kamaletdinova Z.F., Saparin O.E., Semyonov D.V. Psychometrical indicators of the Russian-language version of the C.R. Snyder’s scale of hope

September, 2014

Yelshansky S.P., Anufriev A.F., Kamaletdinova Z.F., Saparin O.E., Semyonov D.V. Psychometrical indicators of the Russian-language version of the M. Atkinson’s scale of Emotional Maturity

October, 2015

Yelshansky S.P., Anufriev A.F., Efimova O.S., Semyonov D.V. Ethno-cultural characteristics of positive personal qualities in the Russian population

April, 2016

Yelshansky S.P., Anufriev A.F., Efimova O.S., Semyonov D.V. The correlations of positive personal qualities

April, 2016

Yelshansky S.P., Anufriev A.F., Efimova O.S., Semyonov D.V. The Russian-language version of the “Curiosity and Exploration Inventory” (CEI-II)

June, 2016

Yelshansky S.P., Anufriev A.F., Efimova O.S., Semyonov D.V. Positive psychology tests adaptation

June, 2016

Yelshansky S.P., Anufriev A.F., Efimova O.S., Kamaletdinova Z.F., Kovineva M.V., Saparin O.E., Semyonov D.V. Marital satisfaction and positive personal qualities

July, 2016

Yelshansky S.P., Efimova O.S., Kovineva M.V. The prospects of positive psychology in Russia

November, 2016

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Yelshansky S.P., Anufriev A.F., Kamaletdinova Z.F., Saparin O.E., Semyonov D.V. Some psychometric indicators of the Russian-language version of the Fordyce Emotions Questionnaire

July, 2014

Yelshansky S.P., Anufriev A.F., Kamaletdinova Z.F., Saparin O.E., Semyonov D.V. Psychometrical indicators of the Russian-language version of the Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ)

October, 2015

Yelshansky S.P., Anufriev A.F., Efimova O.S., Semyonov D.V. Indicators of subjective happiness in the Russian population

April, 2016

Yelshansky S.P., Anufriev A.F., Efimova O.S., Semyonov D.V. Factors of positivity

June, 2016