Articles by keyword «национальная инновационная система»

Articles in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

Анализ инновационной политики Российской Федерации на современном этапе

№ 10 October 2014 | Category: Economics

Эволюция теоретико-методологических подходов и принципов управления инновационным потенциалом разноуровневых социально-экономических систем

№ 12 December 2016 | Category: Economics

Уточнение понятия инновация, инновационный потенциал: социально-экономический и общественный аспект

№ 12 December 2016 | Category: Economics

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Zarkovich A.V. The regional aspect of the formation of the national innovation system

March, 2013

Fedorova A.V. Integration of universities and innovative enterprises: aspects of knowledge management

December, 2013

Bezverkhaya O.N. The problem of domination of monopolies in the development of the national innovation system of Russia

March, 2014

Semenov A.I. The stability of the Russian ruble as one of the factors favorable innovative climate

April, 2014

Semenov A.I. Chinese government policy towards monopolies in the process of improving the national innovation system

May, 2014

Stepanov E.V. Technology foresight as a tool for determining priorities of the new economy

April, 2015

Semenova G.A., Semenov A.I. The nature and form of interactions between actors in the economic mechanism of the national innovation system

June, 2015

Mikhelashvili N.R. Competetiveness of the national innovation system of the Russian Federation: analytical overview

January, 2016

Batyreva R.D. National innovation system in Germany: main features and trends of development

April, 2016

Pavlova A.S., Nikushina A.N., Sarafanov A.D., Anastasova A.S. The innovative strategy of the enterprises of the ICT sector in the conditions of realization of strategy of reindustrialization

December, 2016

Pavlova A.S., Nikushina A.N., Sarafanov A.D., Anastasova A.S. Analysis and typology of innovations in the conditions of formation of national innovative system

December, 2016

Особенности и проблемы развития инновационной деятельности в России

November, 2017

Национальная инновационная система России: дисбаланс и перспективы

April, 2018

Национальная инновационная система Швейцарии

April, 2018

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Bisko K.T. The role of state in national innovational system forming management

May, 2013

Zarkovich A.V. National innovation system and commercial success of innovations. Innovative trends: Russia and Europe

August, 2013

Shalaev V.S. Venture financing in the national innovation system

February, 2014

Semenova G.A. Problems of youth participation in innovative processes in Russia

March, 2014

Semenov A.I. Influence of objective economic laws on the functioning of the national innovation system

March, 2014

Sokolova O.Y. Problems of realization of innovative activity among the students of higher school

March, 2014

Semenov A.I. Privatization of state enterprises and the competitiveness of the national innovation system of Russia

May, 2014

Borisova E.V. Problems of formation of model of innovative infrastructure at the mesolevel (Krasnoyarsk region)

February, 2015

Semenova G.A., Semenov A.I. Principles of development of the economic mechanism of the national innovation system

June, 2015

Kurpayanidi K. Modern approaches to defining functions and concepts of national innovation system of the Uzbek economy

January, 2016

Borscheva N.L. International experience in organization and innovation management

September, 2016