Leontev Aleksandr Igorevich1, Novikova Natalya Valerevna2
1Ural State University of Economics, student, Department of Regional, Municipal Economy and Management
2Ural State University of Economics, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Regional, Municipal Economy and Management

This article discusses the definition of "local market of business-class housing." The aim of this study is to study the formation of the concept of local market business-class housing. Authors draw attention to the fact that at this stage there is no well-established definition of the local market of business-class housing, as the competitive features of the development. The various segments of the concept of the local markets on which it is concluded throughout the study. This article will be of interest to employees of municipalities, whose activity is connected with the problems of land relations, teachers and students.

Keywords: business-class housing, housing options, local market, market, market of business-class housing, real estate, residential complex, status characteristics

Category: Economics

Article reference:
Local housing market business-class scientific approaches to the definition // Humanities scientific researches. 2016. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://human.snauka.ru/en/2016/12/18550

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