Vasiliev Mikhail Ivanovich
Saint-Petersburg State Economic University
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

The paper shows the absence of classical Ivanovo fires as a central element of the holiday with the characteristic attributes of solar in the indigenous population of the Novgorod province opposed to colonists XIX - early XX century. from Baltic countries, actively use the classic fire dances, dances and jumps through it. The fires, which were used in a number of places, looked different compared to classical (low-pile fire) and to perform other functions (fire for warmth, lighting, drain, mosquito, food and cooking, etc.). The most closely related to the Novgorod Ivanovo tradition of bonfires is a custom observed by the eastern and central parts of the province, so-called Youth ssypchin ("cooking porridge", "cereal", "eggs"), which has medieval roots and associated with ancient Eastern Slavic tradition. Local Old Russian tradition of jumping through the nettles due to the presence in these parts of the population that came here centuries ago from the more southern areas.

Category: Ethnology

Article reference:
Peculiarities of Ivanovo fires in the Novgorod province // Humanities scientific researches. 2016. № 10 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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