Sadchenko V.T.1, Domysheva Y.A.2
1Pacific national University, Khabarovsk, Professor, head. DEP. Russian language and publishing, Dr. Phil.Sciences
2Agricultural College rp. Choir, Khabarovsk, Russian language and literature teacher, Bachelor of Phil.Sciences

This article is devoted to the research of acomplex linguistic phenomenon of "intertextuality", which is one of the main distinguishing features of postmodern literature. Means of research are come out the works: poems of the famous poet-postmodernist - T. Kibirov. The aims of research is to define the interaction intertexts within the boundaries of the postmodern text and disclose intertextual features of creativity T. Kibirov, the ratio of its share in modern popular culture and classical literature of the nineteenth century.

Keywords: antonomasia, intertextuality, spot quotes, tsenton

Category: Linguistics

Article reference:
"The message Lenk," Timur Kibirov's experience as an intertextual interactions // Humanities scientific researches. 2016. № 7 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://human.snauka.ru/en/2016/07/15831

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