Fedorova Ekaterina Denisovna
National Research University Higher School of Economics
Bachelor of Communications, Media and Design Faculty

In the present article the concept of communication matrices and mediamatrices are under consideration. The idea of fifth social institution (communication institute exactly) being is describing. Also there is represented the criticism of this idea. The point that communication is component, not equivalent of social institutions is offered at the article. There is described the concept of mediamatrices and their value, function, communication with other social matrices (stable models of action). In addition, the proposed criteria for distinguishing mass media and the whole area of media, as well as the functionality of the complicity journalism, informing journalism, journalism of influence in their context.

Keywords: communication matrices, complicity journalism, informing journalism, journalism of influence, media environment, mediamatrices

Category: Journalism

Article reference:
Typology of communication matrices. Mediamatrices // Humanities scientific researches. 2016. № 6 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://human.snauka.ru/en/2016/06/15487

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