Aksyonova Anastasyia Aleksandrona
Tomsk State University
Master of Philosophy in "ontology and epistemology" of the Department of ontology, epistemology and social philosophy Kemerovo State University

Although the problems associated with the phenomenon of fear, anyway, considered in different papers devoted to the study of ontological phenomena research problem of ontological phenomena of fear and terror as a mode of existence remains topical. Horror actualizes the presence reveals what can be called "direct" here. '"Therefore, we face the existential analytics. Fear, as a phenomenon of individual consciousness, there is a tragic fear precisely because bytiystvovanie is tragic. At the same time, fear of bears constructive value that lies in the fact that fear of open source integrity, the unity of consciousness, which is its essence.

Category: Philosophy

Article reference:
Fear as an ontological phenomenon // Humanities scientific researches. 2015. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://human.snauka.ru/en/2015/12/13608

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