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Markina Yulia Valerievna
Rostov state economic University
Candidate of philological Sciences, associate professor of the Journalism department, the faculty of Linguistics and Journalism
Rostov state economic University
Candidate of philological Sciences, associate professor of the Journalism department, the faculty of Linguistics and Journalism
Over the past decades many domestic and foreign researchers concern to problems of information society. Nevertheless we consider it is actual to examine the theoretical aspects of the concept «the information society». In this article we represent the evolution and formation regularities of this concept, which during the whole time of its existence acts as a means of making specific decisions on the national and international levels.
Keywords: communication, communication technologies, industry knowledge, information, information services, information society
Category: Journalism
Article reference:
The transformation of the «information society» notion // Humanities scientific researches. 2014. № 2 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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