Akhmetov Tagir Ramilevich
Institute for Social and Economic Research Ufa Scientific Center
Russian Academy of Sciences Sector of Economic security PhD, senior researcher

This article focuses on clarifying the concept of innovation potential with a variety of theoretical positions and views. The article presents a deep analysis of the author's interpretations and views on this issue, analyzes the potential for innovation both at national level and regionally. Conclusions and provides definitions of clarifying the concept of innovation potential. Thus, the innovative potential of the economy depends on research, resource and material, production and technological and economic potential of the economic system. The main subjects that affect the potential for innovation, are the innovators, investors, government and society. Their role is to ensure that the interaction between the components of the innovation potential, they act as a bridge.

Keywords: cycle of a product, cycle of an innovation, cycle of idea, evolution, evolutionary model with an innovative dominant, innovations, model of support of the market intellectual properties, national innovative system

Category: Economics

Article reference:
The concept of innovation, innovation potential: the socio-economic and public aspect // Humanities scientific researches. 2016. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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