Kozyreva Olga Anatolievna1, Kozyrev Nikolay Anatolievich2
1Siberian state Industrial University, Novokuznetsk, Novokuznetsk filial-institute by Kemerovo State University, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate Professor
2Siberian state Industrial University, Novokuznetsk, doctor of technical sciences, professor

In the article the system of continuing professional education as a guarantor of stable development of the individual, determining the conditions and the possibility of preserving cultural norms and ethics. The system of self-development and modern principles of socialization, self-fulfillment and self-improvement in continuing professional education is a hierarchy generated meanings, motives, goals, practice self-affirmation. The quality setting and solving the problem of the individual determines the quality and modern education. Products of professional formation of the student are of interest not only from the standpoint of professional pedagogy, but also from the standpoint of pedagogy and developmental psychology to ensure the success and efficiency of the individual learner model leading activity and communication, leisure and hobbies. All traditional and innovative resources of continuing professional education are subject to scrutiny of teachers and researchers, defining perspective forms and models of personality student and the educational system.

Keywords: education, self-actualization, self-improvement, self-study culture teacher (culture of self-dependent work or culture of self-dependent living activities), socialization, system of principles, teacher modeling, teaching methodology, training, upbringing

Category: Pedagogics

Article reference:
Pedagogy of continuing professional education as a model of modern culture // Humanities scientific researches. 2015. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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