Gorbunov Valeriy Nikolaevich1, Mihajlina Julia Mihajlovna2, Dunaev Anton Viktorovich3
1Penza state university of architecture and construction, candidate of economics, associate professor of the Department «Economics, organization and management of production»
2Penza state university of architecture and construction, post-graduate student of the Department «Economics, organization and management of production»
3Penza state university of architecture and construction, student

The article describes the development and application of standards of business practices among members of self-regulatory organizations in the region. Shown that unilateral codes of conduct, standards of behavior for consumers, procedures, implying the involvement of third parties to create these codes help to meet the interests of all groups of market participants in the construction industry in the region. The proposed direction of standards of business practices in the self-construction sector are part of an effective mechanism of non-state regulation in this sphere of economic activity.

Keywords: construction, government intervention, industry, real estate, self-control mechanism, standard business practices

Category: Economics

Article reference:
Standards of business practice of building organizations in the self-regulation // Humanities scientific researches. 2014. № 6 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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