Articles by keyword «Penza region»

Articles in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

Проповедническая деятельность мусульманского духовенства Среднего Поволжья. 1945-1980 гг. (по материалам Татарской АССР и Пензенской области)

№ 11 November 2013 | Category: History

Пути улучшения деятельности предприятий промышлености строительных материалов

№ 10 October 2014 | Category: Economics

Развитие малого и среднего предпринимательства на территории Пензенской области

№ 1 January 2015 | Category: Economics

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Kargina E.M. Educational traditions of the Penza region in a context of profile training

February, 2014

Kargina E.M. Regional specifics of structure and content of educational activity of the Penza region

March, 2014

Micku N.V., Davydov A.S. The Penza diocese at the end of the 1980-1990th

January, 2015

Kinal A.V., Miku N.V. Evangelical activity of orthodox clergy of the Penza region in 1940-1980

January, 2015

Kinal A.V., Vazerova A.G. Regulation of the fiscal relations of the state and orthodox associations of the Penza region. 1940-1980th.

January, 2015

Vazerova A.G., Davydov A.S. Jews of the Penza region in the second half 1940 – the first half of the 1960th

January, 2015

Uchaeva T.V. Development of new support for investment activities in the Penza region

February, 2015

Uchaeva T.V. Investment potential, the image and attractiveness Penza region

March, 2015

Kochergin V.A., Davydov A.S., Kinal A.V., Koroleva L.A. The Soviet physical culture and sport in USSR. 1947-1948 (on materials of the Penza region)

April, 2015

Breeva Y.D., Kochergin V.A., Davydov A.S., Koroleva L.A. Implementation of the resolution of the Central Committee of All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks) "About the course of performance by Committee on affairs of physical culture and sport of directions of party and the government about development of the grass-roots sports movement in the country and increase of skill of the Soviet athletes" in the USSR (on materials of the Penza region)

April, 2015

Nurdygin E.A., Koroleva L.A., Kinal A.V. From sports history of the Penza region in the late forties: about results of socialist competition on the best statement of work on physical culture and sport among the population

April, 2015

Kazhayev S.S., Nurdygin E.A., Koroleva L.A. Voluntary and sports societies in the USSR in the late forties (on materials of the Penza region)

April, 2015

Moiseyev I.S., Nurdygin E.A., Koroleva L.A. About preparation of znachkist of the "It Is Ready to Work and Defense of the USSR" and "Be Ready to Work and Defense of the USSR" complex in the Penza region in the late forties.

April, 2015

Uchaeva T.V. Development and problems of functioning of the transport complex of the Penza region

April, 2015

Uchaeva T.V., Zheludkova A.A. Employment and unemployment in the Penza region. Ways of solving

April, 2015

Dulatov R.L., Kochergin V.A., Koroleva L.A. Condition of physical culture and sport in Penza in the late 1940th.

May, 2015

Zvyagin I.O., Kochergin V.A., Davydov A.S., Koroleva L.A. Realization of the state policy in the sphere of physical culture and sport in the USSR in the early fifties at the regional level

June, 2015

Aipov R.N., Nurdygin E.A., Koroleva L.A. Creation of voluntary and sports society "Kolkhoznik" in the Penza region

June, 2015

Kazhayev S.S., Nurdygin E.A., Koroleva L.A. From history of the Penza regional committee on affairs of physical culture and sport (the beginning of the 1950th)

June, 2015

Moiseyev I.S., Nurdygin E.A., Koroleva L.A. Development of mass physical culture and sport in the Penza region to the middle of the 1950th.

June, 2015

Articles in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Molkin A.N., Koroleva L.A., Korolev A.A. The Penza diocese in the 1960-1980th

November, 2014

Nurdygin E.A., Koroleva L.A., Kinal A.V. Physical culture and sport in the Penza region: from development history

November, 2014

Molkin A.N., Koroleva L.A. Changes in confessional practice of the orthodox organizations of Russia in the 1990th (on materials of the Penza region)

November, 2014

Boriskin D.A., Lyubomirova L.P., Nurdygin E.A., Koroleva L.A., Kinal A.V. Family values of the Soviet evangelical Baptist Christians (on materials of the Penza region. the 1940-1980th)

November, 2014