Articles by keyword «novokrestyanskaya poetry»

Articles in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

Жанр духовного стиха в поэзии Н.А. Клюева

№ 9 September 2014 | Category: Literature

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Kudryashov I.V. Reception of a name and image of A.S. Pushkin in Nikolay Klyuev's creativity

November, 2014

Articles in journal «Philology and Literature»

Kudryashov I.V. «I go by the way of salvation...»: Klyuev and Pushkin

September, 2014

Kudryashov I.V. N.P. Ogarev and N.A. Klyuev: conception of the inspired word creation

October, 2014

Kudryashov I.V. Motive of expectation of the God's future Kingdom in the book of poems of N.A. Klyuev «The ringing of pines»

November, 2014