Articles by keyword «корреляционная связь»

Articles in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

Счастье и деньги: подтверждение зависимости

№ 10 October 2013 | Category: Sociology

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Lazareva O.A. Influence of the material income on feeling happiness

November, 2013

Dolgova L.A., Salmin V.V. Technique of definition of indicators of quality of engine oil on the basis of the theory of similarity

February, 2015

Dolgova L.A., Salmin V.V., Zhatkin S.A. Development of mathematical model of process of ageing of engine oil

March, 2015

Magdiismailov M.A. Model impact of engineering changes on the manufacturability of devices during design

March, 2016