Articles by keyword «инновационная стратегия»

Articles in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

Инновационное развитие Волгоградской области в условиях кризиса

№ 4 April 2016 | Category: Economics

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Polyakov S.I., Shipota A.A. «Engineering» - as a feature of innovation enterprise in today's market conditions

October, 2014

Andreeva E.O., Neverova A.V., Popov Y.L. Modern aspects of formation the strategy of innovative activity of the enterprise

January, 2015

Melnik D.A., Khanina A.V. The types of innovative strategies analysis in modern conditions of economy development

July, 2015

Pavlova A.S., Nikushina A.N., Sarafanov A.D., Anastasova A.S. The innovative strategy of the enterprises of the ICT sector in the conditions of realization of strategy of reindustrialization

December, 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Redka S.I. Customer focus is the main component of the current innovation strategy commercial bank in the banking market.

August, 2013