Articles by keyword «first world war»

Articles in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

Общественные инициативы кредитных товариществ Вятской губернии в начальный период первой мировой войны

№ 2 February 2014 | Category: History

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Dementieva E.C., Kolotov E.V., Sulimov V.S. The conflict situation on the lesson of the Latin language in Ishim gymnasium during the First world war

September, 2014

Articles in journal «History and Archeology»

Sulimov V.S. The role of the Muslims of Tomsk in the development of education during the First world war

May, 2014

Chirkin S.A. The Vyatka credit cooperatives’ military supplies and financing in the years of the First World War

January, 2015

Tsyutsyak R.B. The spread of Orthodoxy in Galicia in the context of the occupation policy of the Russian Empire of 1914-1915.

May, 2015