Articles by keyword «дошкольник»

Articles in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

Особенности представлений о добре и зле у дошкольников 4 лет

№ 7 July 2014 | Category: Pedagogics

Бег как одно из составляющих физического развития ребенка в ДОУ

№ 3 March 2015 | Category: Pedagogics

Методика ознакомления дошкольников с метром и сантиметром

№ 8 August 2015 | Category: Pedagogics

Работа с фольклорной сказкой как средство приобщения детей старшего дошкольного возраста к чтению

№ 6 June 2017 | Category: Pedagogics

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Izyumova O.A., Kirichek K.A. The role of developing object-spatial environment in the mathematical development of children of preschool age

March, 2016

Shamis V.A. Some aspects of psychophysiological readiness for training at school

March, 2016

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Podolskay O.A., Klokova A.V. Peculiarities of social behavior of boys and girls of preschool age in the role-playing game

May, 2014

Podolskay O.A., Abramov N.N. Relevance of a problem of formation of ideas of the good and evil at children of preschool age

July, 2014

Yesipova L.Y. Education of respect of children of the advanced preschool age for a family

January, 2015

Mikhalina M.A. The "Scenic culture" as means for development of the children's volition

March, 2015

Kiyk S.N. Comparative characteristics of the level of development of thought processes of senior preschool children

March, 2016

Antsupova E.G., Burkova A.A. Development of mathematical representations of preschool children on a walk

June, 2016

Pakhomova M.B., Prosorova M.E. The value of developing games V.V. Voskobovich for the formation of mathematical representations of preschool children

June, 2016

Kazakova A.B., Kirichek K.A. The role of experimentation in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children

August, 2016

Значение обучения дидактическим играм детей дошкольного возраста с ограниченными возможностями

October, 2017

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Podolskay O.A. To a question of formation of family relationship for overcoming of the general underdevelopment of the speech at the senior preschool children

July, 2014

Podolskay O.A. Features of social behavior of children of the advanced preschool age

January, 2015

Makarova I.S. Plot and role-playing game, and features of its formation at preschool children in difficult life situations

October, 2015

Magasumova E.U., Khasanova M.S. The advantages and disadvantages of the use of information technologies in preschool education

December, 2015

Baldueva A.N. Information technology in pre-school education

February, 2016