Articles by keyword «дефицит»

Articles in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

Ресурсное обеспечение экономического роста

№ 1 January 2017 | Category: Economics

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Fateeva Y.V. Balance of the income and state expenses

August, 2014

Valko E.V., Listopad M.E. Prospects for implementation of a voluntary pension savings system in the Russian Federation

January, 2017

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Valikhmetova A.T. Problem of balancing the state budget. The relationship between economic growth and balance the budget.

April, 2013

Frolova V.B. Management of financial resources of the security

August, 2014

Vladimirov N.A. The Federal budget of the Russian Federation for 2016 and its anti-recessionary orientation

December, 2015

Danilina M.V., Bagratuni K.Y., Litvinov A.N. Deficit of the democracy in the European Union

March, 2016

Selezneva A.A. The features of remuneration of labor in health care organizations in the region

June, 2016

Lvova M.I. The problem of regulation of the system of the balance of the state extrabudgetary funds

December, 2016

Valko E.V., Listopad M.E. Analysis of the current situation in the pension system of the Russian Federation

January, 2017

Оценка основных бюджетных параметров и мер по повышению эффективности управления общественными финансами региона на примере Курской области

January, 2018

Articles in journal «Portal of Scientific and Practical Publications»

Проблемы кадровой политики в лечебно-профилактических учреждениях и пути их решения

March, 2018