Author: Павел Авдеев

Author's name: Авдеев Павел

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Articles of the author in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

Организационное лидерство: обзор теории черт

№ 10 October 2014 | Category: Psychology

Articles of the author in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Avdeev P.S. The roles and functions of leader

October, 2014

Avdeev P.S. Overview of theories within a behavioral approach to the study of leadership

January, 2015

Articles of the author in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Avdeev P.S. Unfair attitude in the family, as a factor of neuroticism individual

September, 2014

Avdeev P.S. Changing beliefs as a modern staff motivation method

November, 2014

Avdeev P.S. The concept, functions and types of beliefs

December, 2014

Avdeev P.S. Overview of charismatic leadership theories in management and policy.

January, 2015

Avdeev P.S. The mechanism of beliefs formation

April, 2015