Author: Амирова Динара Рафиковна

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Articles of the author in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

Современные особенности внешнеэкономической деятельности Российской Федерации

№ 12 December 2014 | Category: Economics

Articles of the author in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Reznik G.A., Amirova D.R. Formation of innovative labour potential of the enterprise - a need or challenge

December, 2014

Articles of the author in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Amirova D.R., Konyaeva A.D. Migration processes and their regulation in the Russian Federation

April, 2015

Amirov D.R., Zhenihova M.E. Specifics formation of labor potential of modern innovative society

April, 2015

Amirova D.R., Khramova A.I. Regulation of migration as a factor of national security

June, 2016