Bayrammyradova Aylar Gurbanmyradovna1, Matiyeva Nurjemal Nurahmedovna1
1Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, teacher of the Faculty of Romano-Germanic and Oriental languages

The world of poetry of Pyragy is a source of inspiration for Turkmen literature. This source originates from Oguzhan. Gorkut takes it back from his father, Gorogly, and especially his qibla from Dowletmammet Azadi. Following the path of our ancestors, our sage expresses the highest moral standards in his works. Until now, these immortal lines will live in the history of our people and have become the history of our languages.

Keywords: languages, our ancestors, Pyragy, Turkmen literature

Category: Literature

Article reference:
Bayrammyradova A.G., Matiyeva N.N. The issue of educating the younger generation in Magtymguly Pyragy's work // Humanities scientific researches. 2023. № 2 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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Education and discipline work, moral norms play a central role in the life of every society.  Our hero Arkadag rightly notes that “Magtymguly Pyragy is a humanitarian poet who lived in the most complicated period of the history of the Turkmen people and served the great goals of unity, independence, and building an independent state with his creativity.”  The world of poetry of Pyragy is a source of inspiration for Turkmen literature.  This source originates from Oguzhan.  Gorkut takes it back from his father, Gorogly, and especially his qibla from Dowletmammet Azadi.  Following the path of our ancestors, our sage expresses the highest moral standards in his works.  Until now, these immortal lines will live in the history of our people and have become the history of our languages.

During the revival of the new epoch of a stable state, it is an important task to teach the ancient traditions and high moral values ​​of our people to the younger generations, to educate them in the national spirit.

The priceless legacy of our intelligent ancestors in terms of manners, traditions, morals, and arts is the core of our poet’s creativity.  Magtymguly Pyragy is not only a classic poet of Turkmen literature, but also a sage, thinker, master of words of Eastern literature.  That is why Magtymguly Pyragy’s creations are inspired by people from all over the world.  In every society, parents are always concerned about their child’s upbringing as a decent, well-mannered, well-behaved person who will benefit the country.  In the situation where the rules of the family are set in the society, the child grows up to be an example and perfect morals based on those rules.  Our wise poet’s poem “Look at the posture” is expressed in the following lines:

If you know every guy’s real life,

Take a seat at the party!

In these lines, the master of words of our classical literature emphasizes that the essence of each person’s decency and morality comes from the family’s upbringing of children.  It is the duty of the parents to bring up a perfect person who works hard, lives honestly, is faithful to his fatherland, gives support to the poor, and spends his time on useful and useful things.  If the parents follow the halal rule in the family, the child will grow up to be a perfect person following that rule.  In the song “Malyna degmez” by Magtymguly Pyragy himself, the origin of the family is mentioned by his example, he proves that a perfect personality is developed:

Don’t see the face of the poor in the world,

Do not take away the bread with the food,

Don’t ask the truth of the boy as a slave, he has a master, maybe he won’t touch his slave!

In these lines, our wise poet evaluates a person according to his behavior regardless of his place of origin and his position in society.  The lines of our mind have spread from the door of the source of wisdom and have been passed down to our tongues and become our cigars.

Magtymguly Pyragy considered good behavior to be the decoration of a person’s appearance and inner world.  Such behavior also emphasizes the obligation of the offspring to their parents.  Our father Magtymguly, who is the candle of the ocean of mind, is our model educational school, and there are some lines in the song “Dyusyune Degmez”:

If it’s a boy, a girl, a parent,

Do not repent and do not repent.

The period may not come, no matter what you do,

Not everyone can do this.

It is necessary to emphasize the importance of obtaining the approval of each child’s parents by following the wise tradition of our ancestors, “The father is pleased – God is pleased, the mother is pleased, the Prophet is pleased” . We know that no matter how old a person is, he is still a child in the eyes of his parents and their every command is a sacred duty.  And the young generation that implements those instructions can be considered as a perfect moral and polite person, because it is clear that the members of the family never wish harm to each other.

Magtymguly Pyragy, the master of the field of cattle, received his first education from his grandfather Dovlettmammamet Azadi.  For this reason, it is possible to match the lines dedicated to the Qibla in the majority of the sage’s poems.  Even in his poem “Abdilla” he mentions the disappointment of Dovlettmammamet Azadi for his deceased brother:

The fire of Hijran was sprinkled over us,

My strength is gone, my knee is bent,

You won the country, brother Abdullah

These lines show the value of the child for each parent.

It is known to us that Magtymguly Pyragy followed the literary principles of his father Dovlettmammet Azadi.  Our minds are perfected by reading books.  Magtymguly Pyragy mentions that he received education from scientists, mullahs, and Sufis in various madrasahs from the State Government Azadi.  In his song “Beautiful Shirgazy”, he points out that the efforts of teachers are also great for the formation of a perfect moral personality:

Let Magtymguly leave his heart,

He washed his rice, molla-soup…

My uncle won’t forget me.

I’m gone, good-bye, beautiful Shirgazy!

The priceless spiritual treasure bequeathed by our wise poet Magtymguly Pyragy will be of great importance in studying the history of the people, creating love for patriotism, decency, and science, because Magtymguly Pyragy’s creativity is a school of decency.  That school, which was run with wisdom, will serve as an eternal guide for the younger generation.

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