Frolov Alexander Konstantinovich1, Shuldeshov Leonid Sergeevich1
1Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University, department of Military Air Force Military Training Faculty of the Institute of Military-Technical Education and Safety

This article analyzes the level of development of some of the technologies are already used in the armies of the world, or developed for them, such as drones, robotic combat platforms and uniforms the soldiers of the future, as well as some others. Additionally, this article compares the technical and economic characteristics represented types of equipment developed by NATO countries with Russian developments.

Keywords: drones, future weapons, robotic systems, robotics, soldiers of the future, the development of weapons, UAV

Category: History

Article reference:
History of advanced military technologies // Humanities scientific researches. 2017. № 1 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://human.snauka.ru/en/2017/01/18838

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