Shuldeshov Leonid Sergeevich1, Sofronov Vladimir Anatolievich2
1Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Candidate of Military Sciences, Professor, Department of Military Air Force Military Training Faculty
2Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Senior Lecturer, Department of Military Air Force Military Training Faculty

By authors compared characteristics of the education system of the former USSR and the education system of the time.
The article deals with problems of the negative impact of the exam on the education system in modern Russia. We solve the problem of searching for recommendations for the restoration of the positive experience of the previous system and the adaptation of the exam to the current conditions of high school functioning.

Keywords: education System, level of education, testing, unified state exam

Category: Pedagogics

Article reference:
Problems of the education system of modern Russia // Humanities scientific researches. 2016. № 4 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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