Dzasokhova Lana Vladimirovna
South Ossetia research institute of Z.N. Vaneev
junior researcher of department of linguistics

Expression of negation in syntactic system of many Indo-European languages maloizuchenno. Usually only form of expression of negation is the small word which changes sense of the contents to the opposite.
At foreign linguists syntactic classification generally includes only phrase negations. Words negations stand aside. Negation happens both phrase and at the word. A way of expression of phrase negation – the negative word as a part of a predicate. Negation at the word occurs in the partial negation offer".
In Russian in a nominal predicate of the present can doubly behave. It can either create, or not create the negative offer as the negative particle can't form one lexeme with nominal part of a predicate which will express negative value, thus losing ability to express negation of a predicate therefore the offer in general will be affirmative. In the partial negation offer in the Ossetian language any sentence part, except a predicate verb can be denied, and though negation can stand at a predicate verb, not the predicate verb, but other sentence part is denied.
Purpose: Definition of a number of syntactic designs which express negation in the Ossetian language.
Method or methodology of carrying out work: Descriptive, and also comparative analysis.
Results: Ways of expression of negative designs in the Ossetian language in comparison with other languages, classification of negative offers.
Scope of results: comparative linguistics, Ossetian linguistics.

Keywords: German language, Indo-European languages, Iranian language, language system, negation; all-negative offers, syntactic system

Category: Philology

Article reference:
Lexicon-syntactic ways of expression of denial in the Ossetian language // Humanities scientific researches. 2015. № 9 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://human.snauka.ru/en/2015/09/12527

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