Kuzmina Anna Sergeevna1, Demina Lyudmila Denisovna2
1Altai State University, Assistant of the General and Applied Psychology Department
2Altai State University, Ph.D. in Psychological Science, D. in Social Science, Professor of the SocialPsychology Department

Authors analyze the features of component structure self-relation bailiff’s. The self-relation is understood as the difficult, integrative, steady property of mental activity of the personality, systems of the relations of the person acting as a reflexive component determined by nature of interaction of the person as the open psychological system with the world and expressing features of the relation of the person to itself. The structure of the self-relation is presented by unity of 5 components. In the article compare authors features of the self-relation of women and men. In article it is revealed. For women of bailiff’s is characteristic the contradictory self-relation. On the one hand women are characterized by friendship to themselves, acceptance of and the features, on the other hand for women is characteristic the high level of self-accusation and self-criticism. For men of bailiff’s more than for women of bailiff’s is characteristic the self-understanding. In article is shown that the developed self-esteem makes a basis of the positive attitude towards itself as persons in general, and as to the public servant in particular. In article are received results. The positive friendly self-relation is a basis of valuable and semantic regulation of behavior and a resource for a sovladaniye with stressful situations in office activity. The self-relation defines features of professional identity and development of the professional as subject of activity.

Keywords: bailiff, individual., self-confidence, self-relation, self-understanding

Category: Psychology

Article reference:
A component structure self-relation bailiff’s // Humanities scientific researches. 2015. № 5. P. 2 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://human.snauka.ru/en/2015/05/11333

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