Timofeyeva Svetlana Victorovna
Institute of Law and Economics
Lipetsk, Assistant Professor of Humanities and Social Science Department, PhD in Philology

The present paper deals with a complex analysis of ontological modality, which reveals its propositional character, i.e. the presence in its deep structure of a specific set of actants and basic semantic components. In the light of the like approach ontological modality is viewed as a semantic continuum, the elements of which are interrelated by semantic derivation, in particular, by means of negation and conceptual shift. From the semantic-pragmatic point of view modality can be shown as a specific “program” for interpreting the speaker’s attitude towards the situation, on the one hand, and towards the supposed attitude of the addressee, on the other.

Keywords: causation, concept, evaluative component, frame, modality, potentiality, proposition, role structure, semantic continuum, subject-predicate structure

Category: Linguistics

Article reference:
The system of ontological modal meanings // Humanities scientific researches. 2015. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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