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Pokazanyeva Inna Vladimirovna
Saint Petersburg State University
PhD student at the Chair of Television and Radio Journalism, Faculty of Journalism
Saint Petersburg State University
PhD student at the Chair of Television and Radio Journalism, Faculty of Journalism
This article provides a brief description of the situation while presenting the image of an ethnic «Other» in the media of the modern era. The article indicated the importance of awareness of the problem of cultural alienation while facing a collision with the Otherness on screen, also it showed the need of a guidance by the principles of tolerance and ethnic competence while representing the other cultures by the journalists. The relevance of the article is determined by the lack of sufficient research of this particular topic of representation of «the Other» in the theory of journalism.
Keywords: construction of cultural alienation, geographical image, media, Otherness, presentation, television, the Other, tolerance, Travel Journalism, We and They
Category: Journalism
Article reference:
On the use of concept of «The other» on television // Humanities scientific researches. 2015. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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