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Dementieva Kseniya Vladimirovna
Ogarev Mordovia State University
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Department of Journalism
Ogarev Mordovia State University
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Department of Journalism
The article deals with the formation of regional mass media discourse in the context of globalization. In particular, much attention is paid to the discourse of the Finno-Ugric publications. The author, studying the specifics of the national media discourse on the example of one of the region - the Republic of Mordovia, talks about the possibility of gaining access to a valuable model of the society. Also draws a parallel between the discourse of the media and political discourse.
Category: Journalism
Article reference:
Formation of regional mass media discourse // Humanities scientific researches. 2014. № 10 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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