Kotelova Ekaterina Sergeevna
Orel State University
postgraduate Lyceum № 32 of I.M Vorobyov, Orel

One of the characteristics of our country in the past and in the present is its ethnic and ethno-cultural diversity. At the same time, of particular relevance in our time has acquired the problem of interethnic relations, interactions and relationships between various ethnic and cultural groups in the conditions of globalization. Today, in the XXI century, issues of ethnic, religious, and closely related, sound like never before, and actually, in the tendency of a number of nations to self-determination, with inter-ethnic armed conflicts that arise quite often on religious grounds, with a total rise of religiosity Russia. The process of globalization and at the same time with him, and local religious clash of civilizations and cultures, the search for common ground, dialogue in this protivorechii- one of the major challenges of our time. Therefore, a study of this problem in its various aspects, the appeal to past experience does not require a lengthy justification of its relevance. Russia in the context of this problem, the country is very revealing in terms of the rich experience of intercultural coexistence of its multi-ethnic population for several centuries. One of the particular aspects of this problem in the history of Russia and its current polozhenii- a Russian-Polish ethno-cultural relationships.
The study of this very interesting and special social and cultural phenomenon as the "Smolensk gentry" in this respect is very useful. It is within this socio-cultural group is a kind of synthesis of the various ethnic and cultural groups, and not only Russian Orthodox and Polish-Lithuanian Catholic, but also representatives of the Orthodox and Catholic Tatars, Germans and others.

Category: History

Article reference:
Russian "Smolensk gentry" in XV- early XVII centuries. // Humanities scientific researches. 2014. № 10 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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One comment to “Russian “Smolensk gentry” in XV- early XVII centuries.”

  1. 20.01.2015 at 17:11

    Можно ли спросить у автора интересного материала об Азанчевских. Их родоначальники Василий и Ян (братья)
    Мартемьяновичи упоминались в начале 17-го века. По 16-му веку у меня данных нет. Может у Екатерины Сергеевны имеются дополнительные материалы. Я являюсь потомком Азанчевских, Ингильдеевых, Радванских, Догановских, Корсаков, Щочек.

    Всего Вам доброго, Ленинцев Николай Николаевич.

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