Zvezdova Natalia Aleksandrovna1, Kirbitova Svetlana Valerievna2
1Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, graduate student
2Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, associate Professor of Public and Municipal Administration, candidate of economic Sciences

The problem of emigration from Vladivostok to foreign countries, as well as the factors influencing the emigration of the city of Vladivostok is the subject of the article. Emigration is a global phenomenon, which is known throughout world history and familiar for almost all countries of the world. For the government the value of emigration seems to be of the utmost importance. First of all, this is due to the possibility and necessity to treat it as the most important and yet undervalued indicator of the society climate, the popular mood and individual groups climate. Emigration can be considered as an indicator of deep, often hidden processes. Use of emigration as an indicator requires broad background of the dynamics of society studying. The study of immigration in our country, in contrast to the process of migration from Russia, has a relatively short history. It was determined, in the first place, by often negative attitudes towards immigrants and poor accessibility to relevant data about their number and flows. In order to identify factors influencing the emigration of people from Vladivostok to foreign countries we conducted an empirical study, cited in this article.

Keywords: adaptation, climatic factors, criminogenic factor, emigration, environmental factors, level of education, migration, migration flows, population, socio-economic factors

Category: Demographics

Article reference:
Analysis of emigration from Vladivostok to foreign countries on the basis of a representative sample // Humanities scientific researches. 2014. № 9 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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