Druzhilov Sergei Aleksandrovich
Research Institute for Complex Problems of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases under Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Novokuznetsk
PhD of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, leading scientific worker of the Department of Human Ecology

Psychological syndrome of professionalism - a complex of interrelated features (symptoms), united by the common mechanism for the emergence and development. Macrostructure syndrome of professionalism includes a blocks: a) the initial assumptions; b) features of a person; c) the features of professional training and professional activities; c) the characteristics of professional interaction. The last three a blocks form the core of the syndrome encompassed by internal feedback.

Keywords: macrostructure of syndrome, professionalism, psychological syndrome, self-formation of the person, symptoms, the core of the syndrome, the feedback

Category: Psychology

Article reference:
Professionalism of human as a psychological syndrom // Humanities scientific researches. 2014. № 8 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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