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Sazonova Julia Oleksandrovna
Kharkiv Vasyl Karazin National University
PhD student at the chair journalism philological faculty
Kharkiv Vasyl Karazin National University
PhD student at the chair journalism philological faculty
The article analyzes the book German media researcher G. Stromeyerа «Politics and the media», in particular issues such as genre media platform of the German School of Journalism and unlike domestic genre paradigm, includes an overview of political communication , traced the relationship between politics and the media, are represented ways to optimize materials journalist, explains the function of the media and impacts on the audience mass-media, the basics of a journalist and spokesperson, held parallels between the German and Ukrainian schools of journalism.
Keywords: function, genre, genre media platforms, media reality, novelty factor, politics, the impact of mass media.
Category: Journalism
Article reference:
Gerd Stromeyer: media as a political mediator // Humanities scientific researches. 2014. № 4 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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