Атаниязова Бахар1, Джейхунов Атаджан Джейхун оглы2
1Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков им. Довлетмаммета Азади, старший преподаватель и заведующий кафедрой ближневосточных языков
2Туркменский государственный университет имени Махтумкули, преподаватель кафедры стилистики и грамматики английского языка

В настоящее время вопрос разработки методики обучения переводу требует пристального внимания и изучения. С другой стороны, теоретическая дидактика перевода развивается достаточно интенсивно: выделяются компоненты переводческой компетенции, определенный "исчерпывающий" перечень умений и навыков будущего профессионального переводчика, принцип обучения переводческой деятельности в целом, отдельные виды переводческой деятельности. Благодаря такой объемной теоретической базе создаются методические пособия общетеоретического характера, но, во всяком случае, сколько бы мы ни работали над "дидактической" частью, практическое применение дидактических принципов всегда должно переводиться в упражнения, задания, тексты и другие учебные материалы.


Ataniyazova Bahar1, Jeyhunov Atajan Jeyhun ogly2
1Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, senior lecturer and head of Near Eastern languages department
2Magtymguly Turkmen State University, lecturer of English Stylistics and grammar department

Keywords: exercises, interpretation, teaching methods, theory of translation, translation, translation in practice, translation practice, translation skills

Рубрика: Педагогика

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Атаниязова Б., Джейхунов А.Д.о. Exercises designed for better interpretation // Гуманитарные научные исследования. 2023. № 6 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://human.snauka.ru/2023/06/55435 (дата обращения: 04.03.2024).

Currently, the question of developing a methodology for teaching translation, which has not yet been developed in practice, requires close attention and study [Комиссаров: 3]. On the other hand, the theoretical didactics of translation is developing quite intensively: the components of translation competence are highlighted, a certain “exhaustive” list of skills and abilities of a future professional translator, the principle of teaching translation activity in general, and certain types of translation in particular. “Thanks to such a voluminous theoretical background, methodological manuals of a general theoretical nature are created, but, in any case, no matter how much we work the “didactic” part, the practical application of didactic principles should always be translated into exercises, tasks, texts and other educational materials” [Тюленев: 302].

“It seems that many teachers and authors of textbooks strive to bring more theory to this process – not in order to help students better understand the essence of translation and its place in the translation profession, but simply in order to give more to the teaching process scientifically” [Петрова: 60]. In the conditions of a technical university, it is necessary to provide students with a sufficiently weak language preparation with a minimum set of translation skills that they could successfully apply in their professional activities.

The system of exercises for teaching translation is a set of various types of exercises that are performed in a certain sequence and in sufficient quantity to form the necessary translation skills and abilities. Translation training in general and the system of exercises in particular should take into account all the features of translation, including its characteristics as a process and as a product of this process, respectively, the proposed exercises should form and develop skills both for performing the translation process itself and for designing its product, text translation [Тюленев: 97].

We want to share with you some effective exercises for interpreters that we have been actively practicing ourselves for many years. Most of them can be practiced on your own, without a partner or mentor, and of course, interpreting training should include work with breathing, diction, facial expressions and other important aspects.

1. Echo (shadow): A classic repetition exercise (not translation), aimed at training the pace of speech and working in synchronous mode (listening + speaking).

2. Cleaning: Working with articulation and presentation. Recitation of one passage under the record. At first, you can read from a sheet, then a memorized text from 4-6 common sentences of different registers.

3. Interpretation of a written text: The exercise helps a lot to maintain self-control during the impromptu appeal of the speaker to pre-prepared (but not provided to you) documents, a sudden transition from official business to clerical style.

4. Euphemisms: In addition to memorizing the standard “ladies in position” and “four-legged friends,” a cool exercise is to retell a word, concept, or process in other words. Note to translators, copywriters and parents of three-year-olds.

5. Synonyms: A good translator should be able to survive without dizziness in the battle of the great and mighty with the constant “piling” of synonyms in 100 shades of eloquent and emotional. You can train not only in words, but also in common sentences.

6. Thinking: The classic exercise in everyday life (when we voluntarily or involuntarily think for others: partners, friends and even strangers, their thoughts, feelings and intentions) is best used only for translation training.

7. Oratory clichés: This training should never stop, either in your native language or in a foreign language. As well as idioms, proverbs, sayings, anecdotes and popular expressions.

Naturally, the methods of teaching interpreting are not limited to the exercises listed above, and each teacher will have their own methodological techniques and findings that allow them to achieve high results. Nevertheless, the described exercises are certainly useful, and their effectiveness is confirmed by leading experts in the field of translation training.

  1. Berdimuhamedow G.M. “Bilim-bagtyýarlyk, ruhubelentlik, rowaçlyk”. Aşgabat-2014
  2. Комиссаров В.Н. Теоретические основы методики обучения переводу. М., 1997.
  3. Тюленев С.В. Теория перевода. М., 2004. c. 302, 305.
  4. Петрова О.В. Горизонтально-иерархическая структура эквивалентности, дискурсивный характер функции текста и профессиональная подготовка переводчиков // Вестник Нижегородского государственного университета им. Н.А. Добролюбова. Вып 7. Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация. Н. Новгород, 2009. c. 60.

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