Сейитбердиева Айнур1, Гарлыева Марал1
1Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков им. Довлетмаммета Азади, преподаватель кафедры ближневосточных языков


Seyitberdiyeva Aynur1, Garlyyeva Maral1
1Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, Lecturer in the Department of Far Eastern Languages

The article is devoted to the study of digitalization globally and its impact on learning. The advantages and disadvantages of digitalization, as well as ensuring effective teaching of foreign languages in a higher educational institution, are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the issues of digital transformation of the education system, in particular its role in teaching a foreign language.

Keywords: digital educational tools, digital technologies, digital transformation of the education system, digitalization, foreign language teaching

Рубрика: Педагогика

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Сейитбердиева А., Гарлыева М. Foreign language teaching in the age of digital technology // Гуманитарные научные исследования. 2023. № 10 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://human.snauka.ru/2023/10/55550 (дата обращения: 22.02.2024).

Digitalization is the introduction of advanced digital technologies into all possible areas of life and production. Digitalization globally implies a theory of economic activity, which is based on digital developments introduced into various spheres of life and production.

The Internet is considered the leading technology on which digital information is based. Currently, the number of objects and devices in the reality around us that have access to the Internet is growing every day, which allows us to select information and, among other things, remotely regulate these devices. It is worth assuming that there is a virtual analogue of devices on the Internet, which has different properties and characteristics of the external environment, which makes it possible to control an object via the Internet.

Digitalization of the education system, first of all, involves preparing and providing higher education institutions with equipment and advanced digital technologies, the purpose of which is to improve learning, its accessibility and the provision of training materials for all participants in the educational process. The digital transformation of the education system is also aimed at providing online education when students, for certain reasons, do not have the opportunity to receive education offline. Thus, it is advisable to highlight the advantages of digitalization of education: attracting students to independent learning from the moment they enter a higher education institution; cessation of the use of paper materials, that is, there is no need for teachers and students to bring all kinds of teaching aids every day, since the tablet can replace numerous paper materials; saving money on costs due to the introduction of electronic versions of textbooks; much greater accessibility of knowledge for students from remote settlements.

It is worth highlighting the disadvantages of digitalization of education: decreased socialization of students; decreased physical development of students; reduction in the functions and role of teachers, which entails a decrease in the level of education in a higher educational institution. Digital transformation can change education and make it more accessible, more meaningful and more cost-effective, but only with careful planning and careful implementation to avoid potential problems in the learning process [1, p. 45].

In the process of teaching a foreign language in the era of digitalization of education are modern digital tools that allow you to diversify the learning process, make it more vibrant, interesting, memorable, and also stimulate the cognitive activity of students [2, p. 15]. A foreign language is an academic discipline that involves recreating an artificial language environment for students, which involves the variable inclusion of various digital learning tools in the latest perspectives of teaching a foreign language. [3, p. 142]

Let’s turn to digital tools for teaching a foreign language. A multimedia lesson is a training event with the introduction of digital technologies, all kinds of programs and technical means in order to effectively influence the student. Thanks to the use of multimedia equipment in foreign language classes, tasks such as intensifying classroom work are solved; reproduction of real communication; providing information support; formation of cognitive interest and motivation for learning a foreign language [4, p. 73]. A multimedia lesson involves the use of all kinds of software systems, including simulators, test programs, graphic editors, multimedia demonstrations, cases with the possibility of reproducing real situations in foreign language classes. The practice of using these tools in the educational process demonstrates an effective influence on the student, who develops the skills of cognition, application of knowledge and skills in a real life situation; algorithmic thinking; creative thinking; skills to make appropriate decisions in difficult situations; research skills; information processing skills. Moreover, students are observed to develop adaptive abilities to a progressive learning environment, develop non-stereotypical thinking and objective self-esteem.

An electronic textbook and various training programs are one of the publicly available multimedia tools used in teaching students a foreign language in a higher educational institution. Electronic supplements to the textbooks include training programs for memorizing lexical units and grammar training, as well as a variety of practical exercises for listening and writing business letters. Working with such programs allows students to better perceive new material thanks to graphic images [5, p. 118]. Significant changes are being made to the work programs in the discipline “Foreign Language” regarding the ways of managing educational activities, thereby carrying out targeted individualization of training, which helps improve the quality of education.

Multimedia presentations are the next effective technology used in foreign language teaching, which requires a computer and a projector. Presentations can be carried out either synchronously or asynchronously, i.e. be pre-recorded [6, p. 502].

Digital technologies have become an essential part of our lives, including such areas as teaching foreign languages. Information technologies and digital tools in teaching foreign languages are becoming increasingly significant and widely used in education throughout the world, including Turkmenistan. At the same time, digitalization in itself is not a methodological approach, but only contributes to the implementation of existing methods and the implementation of new types of activities.


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