Articles by keyword «energy supply»

Articles in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

The factors influencing the russian-chinese energy trade and cooperation

№ 9 September 2015 | Category: Economics

Analysis of the European gas market prices

№ 9 September 2016 | Category: Economics

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Iakovleva E.V. Research of parameters of solar radiation to evaluate the effectiveness of the application of photovoltaic elements of electro-technical complex for power supply of off-grid loads

May, 2014

Articles in journal «Modern Technics and Technologies»

Iakovleva E.V. Outlook for adoption thermogalvanic generator for energy and heat supply of exploration company

May, 2014

Iakovleva E.V. Scheme of electrotechnical complex with the use of solar cells as one of the sources of electric energy

May, 2014