Rakova Svetlana Sergeevna1, Rakov Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich2
1Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance, Student (Kopasova)
2Vologda State Technical University, PhD in Technical Science, Assistant Professor

In the current economic conditions, there is an urgent need for new and more sophisticated forms and instruments, both binding and voluntary pension insurance, which would allow young people to actively shape their own 'pension and investment strategies. "In this context, the proposed research is analytical in nature and allows you to evaluate the "future pension" of modern Russian youth in the long term.

Category: Economics

Article reference:
«Retired Future» of Russian youth: prospective analysis // Humanities scientific researches. 2013. № 6 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://human.snauka.ru/en/2013/06/3375

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