Baltabaeva J.K.1, Niyazbekova K.S.2
1Abai Kazakh National University, Ph.D., i.o.professora Abai Kazakh National University, Institute of Magistracy and PhD
2Abai Kazakh National University, Ph.D., associate professor of the Abai Kazakh National University, Institute of Magistracy and PhD

In the modern Kazakh language semantics, and the function and design of the unformed genitive strictly differentiated. If affixed genitive in modern language, as in the ancient, expresses the owner objects, items, then unformed genitive conveys semantics relations.
          This differentiation was the basis for the conservation of the two forms in the language of the genitive case. Semantic differentiation issued and unformed genitive plays a major role in their functioning in a parallel language. With the value of unformed genitive closely related groups of words, which are mainly serve unformed genitive case. These words are common nouns nouns with generalized common value inherent in the opinion of many specialists in Turkic languages, semantics unformed genitive.
            No less influenced by the stylistic function amorphousness on the functioning of its language in parallel with affixal form.
          An important role is played by the genitive unformed and acquisition components izafetnoy design in which repeated the same affix genitive. Such stylistic disadvantage is eliminated by the use of unformed and issued a genitive, the creation of different models izafetnoy design. For example, izafetnaya design with three components in the genitive case has six models. Without unformed genitive izafetnaya design would have only one model, all components have been decorated in the genitive case.
          Thus, the presence of formed and unformed genitive creates great opportunities for a variety of models of structures izafetnyh serves stylistic purposes. However, the combination of these two forms adorns and enlivens izafetnye design, gives it significance and contributes to a better transmission of thought. All this taken together is flexible grammatical structure of the Kazakh language.

Category: Philology

Article reference:
Unformed function genitive // Humanities scientific researches. 2013. № 4 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://human.snauka.ru/en/2013/04/2633

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