Articles by keyword «промышленные предприятия»

Articles in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

Основные проблемы менеджмента российских промышленных предприятий

№ 12 December 2019 | Category: Economics

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Экономическая устойчивость современных промышленных предприятий

December, 2011

Makarova N.G. The relationship of the environment and the location of industrial enterprises

January, 2014

Babushkina V.S., Galimova A.D., Haimurzina N.Z. The implementation of "lean manufacturing" concept for example of aircraft engineering complex JSC Aviastar-SP

April, 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Mashkovtsev A.V. Modeling system of economic security for an industrial enterprise

May, 2011

Kurpayanidi K.I. Features of management of a small industrial plant in case of modernization of the national economy of Uzbekistan

November, 2011

Morozov A.S. Basic principles of financial risk management system of the industrial enterprise

September, 2013

Gurianov P.A. Modernization of economic development of subjects of the Russia

November, 2014

Oleshchenko A.M., Golikov R.A., Surzhikov D.V., Kislitsyna V.V. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the measures aimed on the protection of atmospheric air in industrial city

March, 2015

Garkin I.N., Erkin D.V., Kormilitsyn A.N. Examination of building structures of industrial enterprises

April, 2015

Baburin S.V. Choice directions of optimization of industrial facilities power supply systems

May, 2015

Khanina A.V., Babikova A.V. Investment mechanism of innovation development in industry: aspects of improvement

December, 2015

Anisimova D.S. Stimulation of labor productivity in Russian industrial enterprises

June, 2016

Zelenskiy V.O., Zelenskaiya I.A. The issue of improving the efficiency of the canteens of industrial enterprises on the example of energy and coal company

December, 2016

Zubkova N.V. Analysis of the use of production resources in order to optimize the planning system

March, 2017

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Strakhov M.V. Management of intellectual potential industrial workers

September, 2014