Articles by keyword «self-development»

Articles in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

Cтановление качеств субъекта труда в процессе профессиональной подготовки

№ 7 July 2013 | Category: Psychology

Методика индивидуального подхода в обучении детей

№ 4 April 2014 | Category: Pedagogics

Некоторые возможности определения моделей социализации личности в структуре подготовки будущих педагогов по физической культуре

№ 11 November 2015 | Category: Pedagogics

Некоторые особенности исследования социализации обучающегося в модели профессиональной подготовки педагога по физической культуре

№ 11 November 2015 | Category: Pedagogics

Психологические механизмы саморазвития человека

№ 12 December 2015 | Category: Psychology

Педагогические условия оптимального саморазвития педагога по физической культуре: проблемы и возможности исследования

№ 2 February 2016 | Category: Pedagogics

Особенности детерминации категорий «развитие» и «саморазвитие» в системе изучения основ педагогического знания

№ 2 February 2016 | Category: Pedagogics

Педагогические условия социализации и самореализации личности в карате

№ 8 August 2016 | Category: Pedagogics

Особенности уточнения категории «саморазвитие» в структуре подготовки педагога

№ 2 February 2017 | Category: Pedagogics

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Ostroumova E.V. Dynamics of students’ value orientations in the study process

March, 2015

Ivanova I.V., Gutsu E.G., Kochetova E.V. Personal development teacher in the context of the implementation of the competence approach in education

July, 2015

Guz Y.A., Kanzyuba E.A., Nosacheva E.A. Educational aspects of reflection in interactive learning German language

November, 2015

Zhuravkova M.A., Levkova T.V. Cognitive strategies treating an information in the context of personal development students

May, 2016

Svinarenko V.G., Pokhorukov O.Y., Sodikov A.S. Some determinants of development and self-development in a model of modern education

August, 2016

Пранайяма как элемент сценической речи

July, 2019

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Galutskaya M.Y. Psychological terms of becoming of psychological readiness to personality self-development in youth age

June, 2015

Kaminsky V., Zubanov V.P., Svinarenko V.G. Features productive development of the personality of the future teacher in the model of development and self-development

November, 2015

Pokhorukov O.Y., Omelchenko M.G., Svinarenko V.G. Some ways of formulating and solving problems and productive problems in the structure of the course "Introduction to pedagogical activity" by the future teachers of physical culture

December, 2015

Syrbu V.P., Svinarenko V.G., Zubanov V.P. Specificity determination category of "self-development" in the structure of the training of the future teachers of physical culture

February, 2016

Svinarenko V.G., Sodikov A.S., Pokhorukov O.Y. Some features of the use of the historical approach to the study of socio-pedagogical knowledge

August, 2016

Anokhina V.V., Schwarzkopf E.Y., Svinarenko V.G. Vocational training as a guarantor of development and self-development of the student

November, 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Boikova I.V., Chornyi I.V., Aksionova A.N. Some features of the determination of the concepts of "socialization" and "self-realization" resources for the future training of muay thai coach

July, 2015

Pokhorukov O.Y., Domullojanov H.B., Schwarzkopf E.Y. Some possibilities of determination of the category "education" in the structure of the training of future teachers of physical culture

November, 2015

Pokhorukov O.Y., Sodikov A.S., Schwarzkopf E.Y. Features category determination "learning" model of training future teachers

December, 2015

Starchenko D.V., Zubanov V.P., Svinarenko V.G. Fundamentals of socialization of the student in the model development and self-development and self-realization health-saving

February, 2016

Zubanov V.P., Kaminsky V.V., Svinarenko V.G. Features of the solution of pedagogical problems of modeling in the study of the structure of the course "Practical pedagogy"

June, 2016

Svinarenko V.G., Pokhorukov O.Y., Sodikov A.S. Pedagogical technologies of modeling and design of questionnaires in the structure of training of future teachers of physical culture

August, 2016