Articles by keyword «pedagogical activity»

Articles in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

О повышении роли и механизмах подготовки научно-педагогических кадров в высшем учебном заведении

№ 12 December 2014 | Category: Pedagogics

Исторический подход в детерминации и визуализации возможностей педагогической деятельности

№ 6 June 2016 | Category: Pedagogics

Возможности изучения курса «Гигиена физической культуры и спорта» будущими педагогами по физической культуре

№ 7 July 2016 | Category: Pedagogics

Педагогическая деятельность как конструкт и категория педагогической науки

№ 8 August 2016 | Category: Pedagogics

Возможности уточнения категории «социализация» в современной педагогике

№ 9 September 2016 | Category: Pedagogics

Система принципов социализации и самореализации личности через спорт как модель и конструкт развития

№ 10 October 2016 | Category: Pedagogics

Особенности продуктивного изучения категории «педагогическая деятельность» в модели подготовки будущих тренеров по хоккею

№ 10 October 2016 | Category: Pedagogics

Некоторые особенности детерминации основ построения педагогического взаимодействия в конструктах занятий танцами

№ 1 January 2017 | Category: Pedagogics

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Mosolova S.A., Kozyreva O.A. Software-pedagogical support of the teacher as a resource for self-realization and self-affirmation

April, 2016

Sapegin I.I., Kozyreva O.A. The possibilities of educational work in the organization model of class hours

July, 2016

Svinarenko V.G., Bokova E.V., Kozyreva O.A. Pedagogical modeling of the structure determination and refinement of the categories of "socialization" and "self-actualization"

August, 2016

Krestinina L.V., Kozyreva O.A. Educational activity in the solution of pedagogical modeling and collaboration tasks

October, 2016

Eltsov I.V., Kozyreva O.A. The determination of bases of pedagogical activity of the teacher of physical culture as a condition of successful professional development

October, 2016

Tronin M.S., Stroykina L.V., Svinarenko V.G. Educational activity as a category of modern pedagogy

October, 2016

Avgustinovich O.V., Kozyreva O.A. The system of the principles of socialization and self-realization of students involved in basketball as a construct of scientific and professional development coach

November, 2016

Kuzmicheva A.S., Kozyreva O.A. The system of the principles of socialization and self-realization of a student engaged in dances like the construct of personality development

November, 2016

Boikova I.V. Features of formation of culture of independent work of the student in the fashion-whether continuing education

December, 2016

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Zorin I.S., Kiriyenko S.A., Kozyreva O.A. System of principles of pedagogical interaction in the model training process

October, 2016

Udalov N.S., Kozyreva O.A. Some possibilities of using pedagogical methodology in determining the "education" category

November, 2016

Ostryakova S.V., Maykut I.A., Svinarenko V.G. Pedagogical cooperation and support in the work of a swimming coach

March, 2017

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Muravieva A.E., Kozyreva O.A. Features of the system of determination of the principles of socialization and personal fulfillment through sports (handball)

October, 2016

Gladkikh A.I., Kozyreva O.A. System of principles of socialization and self-actualization of students through sport as a model of development of the individual and collective

October, 2016