Articles by keyword «методы и формы формирования культура самостоятельной работы»

Articles in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

Специфика и возможности исследования процессов самореализации и социализации подростка, занимающегося танто-дзюцу

№ 7 July 2015 | Category: Pedagogics

Некоторые возможности педагогического моделирования в организации научной работы будущих учителей

№ 8 August 2015 | Category: Pedagogics

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Kozyreva O.A. Some models of formation of self-dependent living activity culture of the teacher and the learner in the system of continuous professional education

May, 2015

Radostev A.N., Boikova I.V. The specificity and the possibility of studying processes of self-actualization and socialization of adolescents engaged in free-style wrestling

July, 2015

Konontsova Y.S. Some possible pedagogical support future teachers in modeling the first scientific pedagogical publishing

July, 2015

Kudamasov A.A., Pokhorukov O.Y., Svinarenko V.G. The specificity of determination, of detail and verification of the quality of the organization of pedagogical activity in the model of professional preparation of future teacher of physical culture

September, 2015

Konontsova Y.S., Safonov A.S., Svinarenko V.G. Some possible pedagogical modelling in the organization of scientific work of the future teachers

August, 2016

Konontsova Y.S., Safonov A.S. The specifics of creating a culture solution of tasks of independent work of the student in the middle tier of secondary school

November, 2016