Articles by keyword «leisure»

Articles in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

Традиции и модернизация в сфере досуга горожан Тобольской губернии во второй половине XIX – начала XX вв.

№ 10 October 2016 | Category: History

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Shigabetdinova G.M., Yakusheva I.A. The interrelation between a choice of a type of leisure and type of temperament of the person

February, 2016

Sundeeva M.O., Tatarenko M.A., Kalyakina K.A., Prokhorova M.P. Student lounge: social development project infrastructure of the university

October, 2016

Sundeeva M.O., Tatarenko M.A., Kalyakin K.A., Prokhorov M.P. Organization of cultural and recreational activities of students

December, 2016

Borunova E.E. The project volunteer activities in social work with lonely elderly people

January, 2017

Seliukova А.A., Turanina N.A. Innovation in cultural and leisure activities of the library in the process of working with students

January, 2017