Articles by keyword «economic development»

Articles in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

Качество государства и вектора его развития: как сломать "экономику и культуру примитивного заказа?"

№ 2 February 2016 | Category: Economics

Экономическое развитие Саудовской Аравии

№ 2 February 2017 | Category: Economics

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Achaeva N.A. Poverty as a social limiter economic development

November, 2014

Proshkina O.N. Innovative Regional Development

February, 2015

Feigin G.F. Global instability and strategic management

June, 2015

Mikheeva T.N. Analysis of economic development of Crimea and Sevastopol in 1990-2013 years

November, 2015

Mikheeva T.N. Economic development of Crimea after the integration

November, 2015

Masych M.A., Kaplyuk E.V., Krasnyansky A.S., Tikhonina A.V. Identify the factors of labor productivity growth

December, 2015

Shevchenko V.V., Desyatnichenko D.Y., Desyatnichenko O.Y. The growth of consumption of natural resources in the context of globalization as a catalyst for the development of alternative energy

June, 2016

Lomovtseva A.V., Artemyeva T.A. The cluster approach to development of tourism in Nizhny Novgorod region

June, 2016

Kozlov A.V., Kadnikova O.V. Comparative statistical analysis of the average monthly salary of the population in the Russian Federation and the Federal Republic of Germany for the period of 2010-2014

July, 2016

Lobov A.V. The analysis of Krasnodar region economic management mechanism

November, 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Abgaryan L.S. Innovation as a factor of economic growth of the Russian Federation

December, 2013

Gorbunov V.N., Han'zhov I.S., Bajnishev S.M. Assessing the level of economic development based on the definition of integrated potential and risk

August, 2014

Vanyukova I.A. Influence of religious values on the economy and its development

June, 2015

Ivanova S.A. The stagnation in the economy: investment activity and foreign investment

January, 2016

Bondar A.P., Mustafaeva F.A. The establishment of the FEZ in the Crimean federal district as the basis for the prosperity of business activity on the peninsula

April, 2016

Kudryavets A.S. Youth Business -modern driver of economic development

October, 2016

Panchina Y.S. The role of the state in the economy of China and South Korea: a comparative assessment

October, 2016

Razvadovskaya Y., Rudneva K.S. Research of innovative potential of the territory in system of the spatial organization of economic activity

December, 2016

Malsagova H.S., Atamazova A.A. Development of medium business

December, 2016

Petrova A.V. Innovation companies as a factor of economic development of the Russian Federation

March, 2017