Articles by keyword «children»

Articles in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

Половые и возрастные аспекты личности преподавателя, влияющие на учебный процесс

№ 4 April 2013 | Category: Psychology

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Nazarova E.S., Burtseva T.A. Analysis of social-economic strategy Kaluga region till 2030 year

June, 2016

Burtseva T.A., Bogatenko V.A. Statistical analysis of accessibility of preschool education for children of the Kaluga region in the framework of the implementation of the may decrees of the President

June, 2016

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Vasechkina L.I., Akinfiev A.V., Tatarintseva R.Y., Panov G.A., Yakovlev V.S. Functional-structural disorders of the digestive system of children. Algorithms of diagnosis and treatment tactics

September, 2013

Ivanova K.E. Rigid social impact of advertising on the formation of moral norms of girls between 14 and 25 years for women's health

April, 2014

Bakieva N.Z. Assessment of indicators daily, weekly and yearly adaptability among Tyumen children 6 years old in kindergarten and school

July, 2015

Lebedenko А.А., Lebedenko O.B. Prospective changes in the use of anti-inflammatory agents for the treatment of bronchial asthma in children

February, 2016

Lebedenko А.А., Pyatnitckaya S.A., Svidtctenko N.U. Realities of changes in the diagnosis of asthma in children for 10 -year period of time

March, 2016

Semernik O.E., Turina E.B., Kopylova L.N., Gulkanjan L.A., Borodina O.A., Tarasova E.A. Еchocardiographic markers of myocardial remodeling of the right ventricle in children with bronchial asthma

March, 2016

Yalovega G.E., Maltcev S.V., Averkina L.A., Posevina A.N., Funik A.O., Kozyreva N.O. Feature dismicroelementoses in children with urticaria

March, 2016

Abdumajidov A.A. Features contemporary finnish education

April, 2016

Tarakanova T.D., Turinа E.B., Borodina O.A., Luspikayan S.H. Corticosteroids in children bronchial asthma: evolution of application in 10-year period

April, 2016

Suslov E.V. Behavioral management of headache in children and adolescents

October, 2016

Shcheulova E.A., Nikolaeva A.E. Children affected by family violence, as an object of social work in the works of contemporary research

December, 2016

Kurbatova A.S. Influence of traditional orthodox values in the education of children in the modern family

December, 2016

Shcheulova E.A., Nikolaeva A.E. The possibility of organizing social work with children affected by domestic violence

December, 2016

Articles in journal «Politics, State and Law»

Markova V.A. Problem of protection of rights for children in the light of juvenile justice

June, 2014

Articles in journal «Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy»

Rybczynska N.B. Modern technologies of enrichment of vocabulary and enhance the speech of children of primary and middle school age. The effectiveness of the use of small folk forms in the work of the teacher - speech therapist with children of preschool age

March, 2015

Kulikova T.G., Baulina M.E. Neurophysiological and neuroanatomical correlates of children's attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

April, 2017

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Syuy-fu-shun N.V., Musralimova A.E., Musralimova M.S. The development of speech in children of primary school age with severe intellectual disabilities through fairy tale therapy

July, 2016

Miller S.M. Development of play therapy with children

December, 2016

Articles in journal «Student Scientific Researches »

Kulkova E.A. Psycho-pedagogical foundations of social adaptation of children with strabismus to schooling and social life

February, 2015