Articles by keyword «АИС»

Articles in journal «Humanities scientific researches»

Актуальность применения АИС в работе интернет провайдера

№ 12 December 2015 | Category: Economics

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Glagolev V.A., Lopatin D.K., Moiseev V.V. Development of an automated information system: "Monitoring of actions of bailiffs in the FSSP Russia in the Jewish Autonomous Region"

July, 2015

Klimov P.A., Sedneva D.A., Guseva T.F., Vakhrushev V.I. Development of the prototype for AIS "Accounting of computer facilities"

December, 2015

Alieva S.Y., Novikova T.B. Development of the project using MS Project on the implementation of the AIS inventory control for the formulation of the problem of management in economic systems

December, 2015

Guseva T.F., Vakhrushev V.I., Sedneva D.A., Konkova D.S., Matveyev V.A., Komissarova O.R. The use of automated information systems for solving business insurance

January, 2016

Novikova T.B., Guseva T.F., Vakhrushev V.I., Sedneva D.A., Klimov P.A., Ivanchenko A.Y., Ignatova T.A. Software development management systems and mechanisms for decision making in enterprises on the example of technological operations on the unit a ladle-staleplavilnymi shop

January, 2016

Роль информационных технологий в системе управления предприятием

April, 2020

Articles in journal «Modern Technics and Technologies»

Konovalov V.Yu., Davletkireeva L.Z. Analysis of the readiness of the technical infrastructure of IT companies for the introduction of AIS for accounting applications

December, 2015

Davydova A.A., Babenko A.V., Novikova T.B. Formation of user requirements for AIS for the purchase of raw materials and components in accordance with the supply agreements

December, 2016